Friday, March 15, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

03 Jan 2013

It's day three of the new year and I had a blast last year and rung in the new year with my buddy who also happens to be a guy.  I really like spending time with him and despite having a bunch of  drinks that on New Years Eve, I had a great time listening to every body sing karaoke.

I have yet to realize why dive bars are called dive bars when the service is great and everyone is friendly.  Drinks were extra strong but not so I would be concerned about a liver problem.

Well, needless to say I was  bit hung over on the 1st but I made up for it on the 2nd.  I went a short hike with the buddy and I realized I need to get in shape.  I realized I can dance for 2 hours straight but walking uphill sucks.  In any case, it was nice to get out and take a stroll and the view was great.

Day 3...well, it's now time to get back into the swing of things.  I've been off of work for a little over 2 weeks and I guess I should start remembering my passwords and sorts.  I guess being off too long is not good so this is a good amount of time to be off.

Happy New Year...I wish you a prosperous and joyous 2013!

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